Where to go for support and guidance
Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the special bond between a mother and her children. It’s also a day to recognise and honour the motherly figures in our lives. But for those who have lost a child, it’s a day of great sadness and grief – one that will undoubtedly trigger painful memories.
Even though losing a baby or child is one of the most difficult and emotional experiences anyone will ever have to go through, we don’t tend to talk about how this special day affects bereaved mothers. This is why Mother’s Day can make the loss of a child feel even more unbearable than any other day of the year.
We understand how overwhelming the pain of Mother’s Day can be. This blog will guide you through these emotions and offer guidance on where to seek support.
Surround yourself with loved ones
Mother’s Day is bound to be tougher than any other day of the year. But surrounding yourself with friends and family and reflecting on precious memories can help turn your thoughts of grief and sadness into comfort.
Going for a walk together can really help turn your feelings of grief into hope. Connecting with nature is proven to help people with grief – after all, nature’s a healer. Find a beautiful spot to explore and try to turn your attention to all the natural wonders you see. If you need to walk in silence for a while, that’s okay. Your loved ones will understand.

You might also find comfort in telling stories of your child, taking some time to remember the good times you shared. Having permission to show your emotions and speak about your loss is healthy, so don’t feel shy in asking your friends and family if you can talk about how you’re feeling.
Keep busy
If you’re someone who likes to keep themselves busy, make specific plans for Mother’s Day and stick to them. Whether you choose to honour your child or spend the day being as ‘normal’ as possible, planning ahead keeps you in control, allowing you to spend Mother’s Day in the way that’s right for you and your family.
Look after yourself
You might prefer to be by yourself this Mother’s Day – and that’s okay. Just remember to be as kind to yourself as possible. Pour yourself a hot bath, watch your favourite TV programme, or go for a run to clear your head. Do whatever makes you happy – and don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first.
Visit your child’s grave or memorial
You may take comfort from visiting your child’s grave or memorial on Mother’s Day. This is a deeply personal choice, but many grieving mothers find that vising their loved one’s resting spot provides the peace and quiet they need to reflect on precious memories.

Seek support from The Good Grief Trust
If you feel like you’re struggling in the run-up to Mother’s Day, there’s no shame in asking for help. We’ve partnered with The Good Grief Trust – a charity run for the bereaved, by the bereaved – to provide guidance and support when you need it the most.
You might find comfort from the many video stories and articles available online from other families who have lost a child, as well as initiatives from professionals who support them. Be sure to a look at the website to see what additional support The Good Grief Trust can offer you and your family during this difficult time. Remember, you’re not alone in your grief.
Join us at our pop-up bereavement cafés
As part of our partnership with The Good Grief Trust, we co-host monthly coffee mornings called The Good Grief Cafés at our Parks. Our cafés are run by The Good Grief Trust volunteers who have all been bereaved themselves, alongside a trained team of GreenAcres employees. You’re more than welcome to drop in, so come and join us and the brilliant café hosts for a chat and a cup of tea.
What’s on at GreenAcres this March?
There are plenty of things going on at GreenAcres throughout March that you can get involved in. If you’d like more information about any of our initiatives, please do get in touch with us at [email protected].
Join us on the Walk in Her Name Step Challenge
We’ll once again be supporting the Ovarian Cancer Action: Walk in Her Name Step Challenge, taking a step for every incredible woman dealing with ovarian cancer.
The Step Challenge is a virtual challenge taking place throughout March where you complete 295,000 steps – one for every mum, partner, grandma, sister, daughter, auntie and friend diagnosed with ovarian cancer globally each year. Simply record your progress on your online fundraising page, get sponsored, and raise funds to help fund the next generation of ovarian cancer research.
Last year, the GreenAcres team joined in with the challenge, raising an amazing £5,500 for the charity. We hope to smash that this year – and we’d love to have you on board to make this goal a reality. Together, we can make ovarian cancer a survivable disease.
Come and join us this Mother’s Day
You’re welcome to join us in your nearest GreenAcres Park this Mother’s Day for our special service in honour of all the important women in our lives. Spend precious time together as a family to celebrate and remember the things you loved about your mum in a peaceful, quiet and reflective setting.
We’d also love you to join us after the service for tea and cake in our Good Grief Café. Here you’ll have the opportunity to chat with like-minded people suffering with loss and bereavement. Speaking about those we’ve lost is so important for our health and wellbeing, so we hope you’ll join us when the time feels right.
Everyone is welcome! Book onto a Mother’s Day service today to guarantee your entry.
For many, Mother’s Day represents a day of celebrations. But if you’ve lost your mum or mother-figure, or you are a mother who has lost a child, it can be a day filled with grief and sadness. Even the simplest things can remind us of the loved ones we’ve lost, which is why it’s important to take care of yourself as Mother’s Day approaches. We’ve collected together some advice to help you cope with this difficult time while you’re grieving for a lost loved one.
Don’t feel pressured
Families often make plans to celebrate Mother’s Day. However, you don’t need to feel pressured to join in with them. Family and friends may invite you along to stop you from feeling left out, but they will understand if you don’t feel up to it. It’s OK to say no and it’s OK not to be OK. Instead, do things that you feel are right for you – like being close to nature and having a walk, watching a film or listening to music that brings you happy memories or distracting yourself with your favourite hobbies.
Write down how you’re feeling
If you struggle to articulate how you feel, you could write your feelings down in a letter or card. Grief isn’t always an easy thing to make sense of, but giving yourself a chance to think about how you feel can help you cope with your grief – particularly when it’s more heightened around Mother’s Day.
Share your loved ones memory
Sharing memories of your loved one with family and friends is a wonderful way to honour them on Mother’s Day. You could get together over a cup of tea or start an online chat if you don’t feel up to seeing people. If you’ve turned your mum’s social media accounts into an online memorial, you can share tributes on there, too. There are also many online communities that bring comfort by sharing supportive messages on grief and loss, like Grief Speaks Out.
Hold a memorial service
You may take solace from holding a memorial service for your loved one on Mother’s Day. The service doesn’t have to be anything big. Simply lighting a candle or planting a beautiful plant are great ways to remember that special person.
Get support at our monthly GreenAcres Bereavement Groups
When you lose someone you love meeting others who can relate to how you feel can help. We offer a kind, supportive space with understanding from others who are also living life after loss.
Often it is difficult to walk through the door to somewhere new especially when you are grieving. We promise you a warm welcome from our experienced and compassionate team along with tea, coffee and cake. For more information, click here.
Join us for our Mother’s Day event
Please join us at your local Park on the 19th of March between 11am-12pm as we come together to celebrate the special people we’ve lost. Spend precious time together as a family to honour and remember the things you loved about your loved one in a peaceful, quiet and reflective setting.
We also invite you to join us afterwards and have a Cuppa for Cruse in aid of their work that strives for everyone grieving to get the support they need, when they need it.